Hello I'm Trevor Danahy

Fullstack Developer

Welcome to my Portfolio

Typescript LogoTypescript
Javascript LogoJavascript
Python LogoPython
React LogoReact
NextJS LogoNext.JS
PostgreSQL LogoPostgreSQL


Picture of the project

Super CLuster Labs HackFS`22

An IPFS pinning orchestration tool allowing communities to build small pinning subnets on IPFS for p2p community storage. We won 2nd place in the storage wizzard category at HackFS`22

Javascript Logo


React Logo


Link to project on Github
link to the project
Picture of the project

MedDAO Community Site

A Next.JS website built with Typescript and ChakraUI for the MedDAO community.

Typescript Logo


NextJS Logo


Link to project on Github
link to the project
Picture of the project

Rekt Streamer

A simple script to allow twitch streamers to let their viewers send a preset series of inputs to the streamers computer. The inputs are common gaming inputs that will cause the streams video game character to dance, shoot repeatedly or freeze. The script is run when the streamer is live and connects to the Twitch API to determine when viewers have spent channel points to start the script.

Python Logo


Link to project on Github
link to the project


Bankless Consulting

Web Developer

June 2022 - PRESENT

Worked closely with community members and designers to build wireframes and set customer expectations.

Implemented the initial MedDAO community website with Typescript and NextJS to advertise the new community before launch.

Created and integrated MedDAO community newsletter into the website to allow the community to monitor growth.


Web Developer

April 2022 - June 2022

Co-lead developer for a team of four developers to redesign the BanklessDAO website. The largest DAO community in web3.

Performed code reviews for team members, Typescript

Created a live view of snapshot community proposal voting by using the snapshot API to increase democratic visibility.

Lead a research team exploring the ways to use Fleek, and IPFS for distributed website deployment. Our findings lead to a 2nd place finish at HackFS`22.


Software Developer

Dec 2021 - June 2022

Updated the navigation UI and added Discord OAuth login flow for the Bounty Board project at BanklessDAO.

Created an eye-catching hero section countdown timer to advertise the first astronauts launching with Blue Origin for MoonDAO.

G4 Precision


July 2019- Feb 2020

Prepared and operated CNC and lathe for part and prototype production.


Technical Project Manager

July 2017- July 2019

Managed and organized sprints for five development teams.

Implemented Agile and Scrum development processes.

Managed multiple IT projects to update software versioning, security audits, including compliance updates for GDPR.